Sarah & Marc
I kicked off the Fall wedding season with a perfect autumn day for Sarah and Marc. After a beautiful outdoor ceremony with weather that...

Caty & Meghan
I had the extreme honor of photographing the phenomenal nuptials of Caty and Meghan in November. They got married in Rehoboth, so we were...

The Growing S Family
Part of the fun of family photography is watching the adorable babies grow up before your eyes and in your images. Last year, little E...

Fall Families
It's that time of year - the leaves are crunching underfoot, the trees are bursting with color and the sunlight has some extra gold in it...

Happy Halloween
Is there anything better than a photo session with kids in costume? Not in my book. Speaking of books, my own boys dressed up as Harry...

Summer Smiles
These warm summer nights provide the perfect light for some beautiful headshots. Miss Mary here was looking for some portraits to use for...